The Signatures of Tavik František Šimon


Signatury Ceských A Slovenských
Vztvarných Umělcu

( Signatures of Czech and Slovak Artists)
Page 180

By Petr Pavlinak
Výtvarné centrum Chagall
Ostrava 1995


"Reminiscence of Dalmatia", 1900 

"In the theatre", ca. 1900
Monogram FS
"Women on a balcony in Venice", circa 1904
Oil on carton
Artist's stamp in red with the monogram TFS


Oil on canvas
"Harbour of Fécamp" (small).
On cardboard.
Signature in pencil, Fécamp.

"Vilma picking Lilacs" (back)

Oil on canvas.
Monogram TFS and dated 1909.

"Bouquinistes", 1911

"Vilma picking Lilacs" (front)

"Pomona", 1915

click on the image to enlarge
"Socco" (= Market) in Tangier, ca. 1913 (on reverse)
"Sunny beach, Fécamp (France) - 1934"(on reverse)


FŠimon Paris 05
"Oxford Street in London", Novak 29, 1905.

Londres (Oxford Street)
Monogram TFS

T FŠimon "Flower seller", Novak 1906 AP6.

"Bric á Brac", Listed by Arthur Novak as number 53, 1906.


"Bric á Brac",
Listed by Arthur Novak as number 53, 1906.
Signed T.F.Šimon and dated 07 (1907).
Published by George Petit.
Number 30 of an edition of 150 prints.
In black pencil signed T.F. Šimon.

Stamp in red, monogram TFS
In pencil imp. = impreuve (état).

'Pont Marie, Paris"

Edité par Georges Petit. 8 Rue de Seze.
Paris Avril - 1908

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
First state
In red pencil '1. etat' (= French: state).

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
First state. 
In red pencil 'F.S.' and '4/9. 08'.

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
First state. With drawing in grey pencil. 
In red pencil '1. état'.

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
First state. With drawing in grey pencil. 
In red pencil 'FS' and '4/9. 08'.

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
Second state. Without background.
In red pencil '2. état' (= French: state).

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
Second state. In pencil 'FS'.

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
Third state with background. 
In black pencil '3. stav' (= Czech: state).

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
Third state with background. 
In black pencil 'FS'.

"Lagoon in Venice", Novak 79. 
Signature in the plate (third state).

Monogram TFS 1910

Monogram TFS

New year's Greetings.
Signed and dated 1911 in ink


"Breton Coast", Novak 173.
Stamp in orange with monogram TFS, numbered in pencil 80. In the print Monogram TFS and dated 1911.

"Novy Svet in Prague", Novak 194, 1912.
In black pencil T.F.Šimon.

Novak 370, 1922.

In black pencil T.F.Šimon.

Novak 370, 1922.

In black pencil épreuve d'artiste.

Novak 370, 1922.

Monogram TFS
Under the Brooklyn Bridge, Novak 1927, AP2.
Monogram TFS in yellow, numbered in pencil 59.
(C)opyright Rudolf Lesch Fine Arts, New York.

Signature in pencil.
"Seventh Avenue at Night, New York".
Novak 1929, AP2.

Monogram in green and numbered in pencil 39.
   Monogram in green and numbered in pencil
112 & 58.

Signature in pencil.


Monogram TFS/ Stamp in yellow
and numbered in pencil 66.


PF 1925 (Pour Féliciter)


1933 T F Simon fécit sc.
Monogram TFS in red and numbered 27.
"Portrait of Dr. Milan Ratislav Štefanik".
Novak 597, 1932.


Monogram TFS
Signature in pencil


"Portrait of President Tomas Garrique Masaryk".
Signature in pencil, 1936.
Novak 604, 1933.

Blind stamp of the paper-factory:
Van Gelder Zonen Holland.

VGZ = Van Gelder & Zonen

This factory is located 20km west from Amsterdam and still exists today, famous for its high quality paper.



Signature in ink. Sketchbook from 1915 - 1918
Handwriting by the artist:
To Mr. W.Ganson Rose,
Signed in pencil and dated 1926.
"Inside the Cathedral of Chartres".
See also N 446, 1926.

Signature in pencil. Slany and dated 9/?/'36.
"View from the square onto the church in Slany".
See also N 617, 1936.


Korner & Wood

Korner & Wood

Kennedy & Co
New York

Albert Roullier Art Galleries

Greenwich Galleries
Greenwich, Connecticut

Schwartz Galleries
Madison Avenue, New York

Arthur Ackermann & Son
South Michigan Avenue, Chicago


Arthur Ackermann & Son
South Michigan Avenue, Chicago


W.Russel Button, Inc.
955 Center Street, Douglas, Michigan

Guenter's Galleries Cleveland

Salon d'Automne 1912.
Carte de Sociétaire

Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts 1912.
Carte d'Exposant

Copyright by les Graveurs Modernes. 194. Rue de Rivoli, Paris

enlarge image

Signature Frantisek Simon 1889

Signature of Arthur Novak
